Let's talk about this "Mouse borne" "Park virus" namely, Hantavirus. Now, I am not a virologist but to claim that large numbers of people (10,000 to be exact) are threatened by mouse virus that "pops" out of nowhere in the Yosemite national park is absolutely stupid. The Hantavirus was diagnoses in 1993 and is similar to West Nile but develops a disease called Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). HPS is similar to any flu but is caused by being exposed to rat droppings, feces, urine, etc. Fortunately, this virus does not spread from human to human. First let's talk about their strategy, define a virus, and hunt for mouse virus in the past:
The media claims thousands of people are at risk while only 2 died and reports of 6 are staying in hospital due to illness from the disease, yet they claim 10,000 are at risk. This means that the mainstream media is hyping this to let people react to their fear, thus they provide a solution. Hegelian Dialectic: "Problem - Reaction - Solution" (A warfare tactic to get to create the problem and solution of the problem). I will outline how the Hegelian Dialectic is used in today's media and how it is used to get whatever outcome they want.
Let's go to Webster's dictionary and find out what is a virus...
This means that the virus in question could be diseased caused by a virus, a side effect of a biological agent, or a living virus. Now let's assume that the government wants us to stay away from the parks due to the virus, would that really help? Mice can travel to any home and create niches in about anywhere. But for some reason they must shut down and cripple California's economy more and put the Agenda 21 plan into action. Next thing you know the government will allow spraying the entire place with chemicals like what was done during the West Nile "outbreak" of August 2012 in the US.
Take a look back in the past ( May 4th 94' to be exact) where the
second death was recorded in1994 by NY times article (LET ME REPEAT---
SEE how they report mispell but still mean to state "2ND man dies from RARE illness" |
If this is not a smoking gun then I DO NOT know what is! Its plainly obvious that this article clearly states that it is: #1 very very rare to catch the disease and #2 it's extremely rare to die by it although the media claims it has a 36% death rate. This should lead one to believe that the Hegelian dialectic is being used to cause a problem in order to create a solution!
They create the problem which is a virus and then...the reaction is fear:
"FRESNO, Calif. --
At least six rangers staffed phones this week at Yosemite National Park
as visitors frightened about a growing outbreak of a deadly mouse-borne
virus flooded lines seeking answers.
More than 1,000 calls a day are coming into the park, many
from visitors wondering if they're in danger of contracting or being
exposed to hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, park spokesman Scott Gediman
"We're reaching out and they are reaching out to us and we
are trying in every way shape and form to be transparent and
forthright," Gediman said. "We want to tell people this is what we know.
The most important thing is the safety of park visitors and employees."(source: ABCLOCAL)
After fear is pushed the move on to a solution. Solutions may appear to be solution but may actually be a worse solution (problematic solution). For example, let's say that this virus is a danger to society and is caused by global warming and it requires a solution immediately so the us government rushes the military to put civilians into camps for a brief period of time. As that happens many people begin to starve due to over crowding and competition, therefore this solution is now a problematic solution and calls for another solution to be created in order for this solution to be resolved. This is the essence of Hegelian dialectic.
Let's use Paul Rauber's
report as an example... Fake environmentalists or environmental activists such as Paul Rauber, and its entire website (Sierra club) is possibly a government-paid organization used to push "false-ideas and lies" in order to provide a "solution" that is not needed. The solution may require another solution due to the problems that arrive from the first solution.
Here's a snippet his report:
So now that we understand the Hegelian dialectic and how it being played in this media report, understand that this has been used by many governments for centuries and can even be used in interpersonal relationships. It's being played in the media everyday as they scare you with the Hantavirus, tuberculosis, West Nile, and even terrorism; and they want you to beg and call them for a solution.
Here is search that I pulled up earlier today and It shows that the mainstream media are jumping on the "problem" probably to find a "Solution". There are possibly a number of solutions but they will ignore the people's opinion and facts just to do what they want to do.
If you understood this information please share this with anyone you know and let the know that this is a lie (falsified danger) and is only here to scare you into asking for a solution from the same people who created the problem (Once they mention it, it becomes a problem).