Wednesday, June 29, 2011

BBC Shows that Al qaeda -ran by the CIA! & Governemnt orgaized crime

Here's PROOF that AlQaeda is ran by CIA and is essentially foreign people who took money and ran unorganized terror attacks. Even BBC shows this report look here:

Here is a whistle blower named Coleen Rowley. She explains how the FBI ignored claims from her that could've led the FBI to the of AlQaeda 9/11 scheme and stop it.

Why they would do this?
They (The government) would do this to take away civilian's rights so that government may have control of our rights. Essentially, Patriot Ac was passed 2001 that takes away rights and allows torture on terrorists. Only now, "Terrorists" may be civilians and may be labeled or listed as a terrorists if they do not comply with the government.Other schemes and plots may happen or created so civilians may release all rights to the government. This is the essence of organized crime from the government.

This video points out how this may work:

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

ChemTrails Do exist!

Chemtrails are sprayed across the land usually in developed nations to lower the immune system of every organism that inhabits the land. Heavy metal toxicity can lead to many neurological problems. This is another way that the FDA in USA can make money by placing their products on planes and gain profit indirectly or directly.

Notice: how on the end of the film that the correspondent says the public never called for Barium exposure. How would we know we were exposed to any chemicals without prior notice, let alone Barium? Also,

Look at these videos:

Prince talks about one of his songs (being based off of Chemtrails) discusses it On Travis Smiley's Show.

This video shows more proof on chemtrails:

This video basically shows how chemtrails are frozen vapor and does cause humidity, but it not cloud-like and it NEVER lingers for more than a few minutes. This is tmost highly informatve video on Youtube about chemtrails that was ON a mainstream TV channel.

Still DO NOT believe in CHEMTRAILS with all this information presented to you? Do a test of your soil and/or water and verify it. No matter what you think, this is very interesting information.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

LyingGovernment- Aspartame leads Sugarless tumors?

FDA continues to lie about the wrong doings. Here's a couple of reports that I've found to be interesting.


Love Coca cola, Coke ZERO, sugarless foods, or chewing gum?

Aspartame is DEADLY

2003 email leak

Nero toxin

Addict's Memo

Is this sugary compound a neurotoxin?
FDA Claims it is but media never releases information or REMOVE it from stores!

All of these website links are official and from the governmental site themselves!
although the links contain old information they have excellent information about current events!

Here is video proof of the information that I got (Special thanks to Healthranger7 of youtube for video):

** Note the host sat the company "Monsanto" "Monsanto" is a company that creates and invests in GM (Genetically modified) crops, herbicides and other advanced technology for maximum crop growth.


Please talk to people about DATA that you see that is "iffy" or untrue.