Friday, August 31, 2012

Facebook-Ninjas are a Peeping-Tom. You, your family, and friends are spotted by FBI's eyes.

Hiyah! Here's an article titled, "CIA, FBI push 'Facebook for spies'", from CNN published September 5, 2008 which admits that FBI "Peeping toms" or "ninja" agents are using Facebook to track you and your family down. Or is " Peeping tom Ads are used by FBI "ninja" agents to ruin your life!" a better title? Either way, they both are trouble for technology so as long as the bureaucrats keep this up. In this article I will give you proof that the eyes of the FBI are glued on you and your entire life!

     You might as well print your face on a wanted poster and share where you are and where you live to the world. They have your phone number, email address, physical address, photographs, and better yet, they do share information with Google and Youtube isn't that neat?! Have your FB (Facebook) to friends only? Just understand that the administrators or "ninjas" are all about leaking information. Think I'm joking?

Look here:
Facebook, leak, information, spy, nsa
Facebook constantly leaks information and it will continue!

Now checkout the link I highlighted: " security/ news/ 2010/ 07/ leaked-data-of-100m-facebook-users-came-from-public-info.ars"

     The website shows one the first time when Facebook openly leaked information. And folks all of your information that is being leaked is by an administrator (insider) and you should care if you information is being used for something other than "security".

Now the people who say, "So, I have nothing to hide, search away", are the exact people the bureau wants to track. Submitting to this violation will only escalate the US government to do more illegal activities.

Here's another report that states that Facebook tracks you when you log out!

Here's a blog by Randy Abrams and below is a picture of the problem he mentions.
randy facebook, spy, ad, advert app,
Randy being spied on by advert on clicker. (Source: )
     LOOK the at the words "Hi Randy!" seen in the picture.When has Facebook gave advertisers his first name? What else do they know about them? The ultimate question I would ask is "Is this constitutional?"

     Another example of this is when adverts know what sounds that come from your microphone of your laptop or I-phone and then BAM and AD pops-up to what the sound relates to. Isn't that creepy? This guarantees that there is no more freedom of speech because the voice messages are being relayed and stored forever. But enough of the constitutions and amendments, but it does make you think about what else they could be doing with the information that is being stored by Google. Biometrics, and electronic information that captures our biological thoughts, activities and personalities are something that is not good, morally wrong, and economically poor compared to using old fashion techniques to make life "convenient".

Please watch this video and get it out to as many people as you can!

     This video explains that Facebook and its private policies that is used to track you and your life. Now, some one would ask why is this harmful? The only answer to this question would be that if anyone could know that much from our Facebook understand that once it is online not only the viewers but the administrators can also know where you are, what you look like, and what you are thinking at anytime of day.

And to conclude this post, here is a video from Russian Times (RT) discussing with Julian Assange and how he claims that Face book is a CIA spy device. Learn more, spread the information, and enjoy!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Global Tuberculosis scare. Garlic is the cure hero.

Allicin is found in garlic Source:
Tuberculosis is a great disease known for killing and devastating human populations centuries ago. This is not new news for people who have been paying attention to media outside of the North American mainstream media. Tuberculosis is generally regarded by public health as a disease that is controllable with fresh air and sanitation (also with nutrition). RT (Russian Times) reports that MDR-TB (Multidrug resistant tuberculosis) and XDR-TB (extremely drug resistant Tuberculosis) were infecting Europe, Latin America, Asia, and other countries.

     The report was about how drugs were needed to slow down the progression of TB and how the MDR-TB and XDR-TB are resistant to a multitude of drugs. The resistant strain are also resistant to vaccination and 2 million may be infected by 2015. a quote from the report states:

"In 2010, 8.8 million people were infected with TB, with 1.4 million dying from the disease. Treating TB is an arduous process. Patients often require a multitude of drugs, with treatment lasting for up to six months. Many patients fail to complete the process correctly – which researchers believe is a factor in the increase of cases of drug-resistant forms of TB."

     With all the flaws in this report I will begin to restrain myself and settle down from my periodic and acute laughs caused by poor information. The poor information is usually defined as not defining how the 8.8 million people were diagnosed as having TB, showing which methods were used cure the disease, where the 8.8 million people in the world, which other diseases were present in the patients before the TB, which TB was infecting the patient and what drugs were used. This plus other information that was not present in this article makes it very hilarious.
     What is very laughable and hilarious is that at the end of the report, a comment from the Chief Scientific Officer Tom Evans advised that the cost was expensive and toxic! Just from that statement alone, he should be removed from his position at once. Many nutritionists, traditional Chinese medicinal therapists and dieticians who research current studies would know that garlic is an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral plant substance due largely to allicin and to high vitamin C content. Therefore, the comment made by officer Evans is pointlessly comical at least and seriously funny at most..

     Why is this laughable, comical, and, funny you ask? Well, because neither the author of the article or the Evans signaled for the possible cure or prevention method for the disease may be found in "Natural medicine". Conventional methods are suppose to be toxic and expensive, that is the job for the FDA (Food Drug Administration). Drnajuislam a fellow blogger. also points out the same crucial information, "Researchers at the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) have found that allicin — a natural anti-oxidant present in garlic — can prevent replication of the MDR TB bacterium inside the human body."

     This is extremely fundamental information that was ignored by the RT report and officer Evans.
I could even go on and ask why in the hell are so many MDR and XDR tuberculosis is on the rise? Is it created and spread by the military industrial complex that blew up the towers? Is this all a plan of the NWO?
Tuberculosis is not an epidemic in anywhere, unless millions or at least hundreds of thousands were infected and mortality of TB was 50% or higher. Then this would be an epidemic in my opinion. Why doesn't the mainstream media call this the 2012 virus or the anti 2012 hoax and say it's the end of the world. It would build bigger laughs for the awake and bigger fear for the sleep.